aded by Business Relationships?
By: Jacqueline Frey, RCSWI, CLC, MSW

A common theme I have found among many of my clients who are entrepreneurs struggle with is trust. I have heard several similar stories about being betrayed by a business partner, or steak holders not holding up their end of the bargain. This type of regular to semi-regular toxicity in business can even make it difficult to trust people outside of the corporate world. This mind set prepares you for the worst and all possible eventualities, but it does keep you from being open to some opportunities both professional and personally.
So the question really becomes, how do I stay somewhat open without being naive to the world? Also, this can be especially difficult if the environment you grew up in didn’t promote trust.

For starters, the person in question may not be all good or all bad. Regularly check in with yourself if they are adding value to your life. People can change over time, or perhaps even give more light to who they truly are now. So don’t be afraid to reassess much like you would do in business ventures.
Secondly, boundaries with individuals is key. Whether they be at home or in the office make sure you are clear on your wants, expectations and deal breakers. This may need to be done on a regular basis as people can unintentional or intentionally push on those boundaries. So be consistent, kind and vocal when someone is stepping on the line.
Be the person you want to surround yourself with. I know simple right. People gravitate towards like minded individuals. So as you evolve into a better version of yourself so will your friend group. While you propel in business maybe think about hiring a life coach to continue your own personal and spiritual growth.
Just say no. Some of us want to help old friends, or down on their luck family members, but at some point you can’t let them drag you down too. You can have compassion for others and help when appropriate, but at some point you have to say no for your well being and theirs. Otherwise, you are just enabling them, and no positive benefits come from that approach.

Having relationships either friends, family or business related are very fruitful in life. They can be a valuable resource, or an emotional safe harbor. Even though the rough and tumble world of business may have closed you off, I implore you to reconsider and re-visit the way you trust people. Being vulnerable and open is hard, but being closed off and jaded is truly the more difficult approach.
If you need help from your local Yoda aka life coach and therapist. Please reach out to to me via email or phone call. I am here to help you find balance and achieve your goals.
Jacqueline Frey RCSWI, CLC