If you are interested in setting up a session, a phone consult, talk about a potential speaking engagement or simple have a question please feel free to fill out this form.
You can also email, call or text me on the business line provided. I say this with the most sincerity..I know its hard to change and sometimes even to think it is possible. You are not silly, or stupid or unworthy. If I can’t help or maybe it is a scope of practice that I am not a expert in I will try to help you to find someone who is.
Also sometimes I am on vacation or don’t get to my emails in the most timely manner.
If your situation is serious and can not wait please reach out to a helpline like 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or text Text HOME to 741741 from anywhere in the United States, anytime. These will both help to provide access to crisis counselors when you need it the most.
“Remember all you need is a little curiosity
and a bit of hope.”
©Copyright 2023. Jacqueline Frey. All Rights Reserved.