Survival Guide for COVID-19 and Coping with Quarantine
This guide is my own personal condensed version of what I have learned to promote mental health and wellbeing on my own journey to live in this alternate and very surreal reality. Please keep in mind I am by no means the all powerful OZ and know everything, but I have learned a few things thru my own experiences and from my very smart clients. So lets get started…
1-Limit your time in front of the news.
Yes, it absolutely important to be informed and educated on what is going on in the world. But there is a fine balance between putting your head in the sand and being like my partner who is tuned in to every tweet, post and google alert. So think about setting aside time in the morning and afternoon to check in with the news. I promise you if something huge happens your mom, auntie and everyone else will be texting your phone.
2-Make a “To Do” Fun Chore List
This is basically a to do list, but you add in fun things here and there like “shop for new shoes online,” “try to cook a new dish,” or maybe “start a new Pinterest project.” Since a lot of us are at home, we need to add structure so we are not aimlessly surfing through Hulu or binging on Tiger King. Mix up the work list with fun activities.
3-Lets get Physical
Walk, Pool, Bike, Tennis…whatever you have at your disposal now is the time to use it. Walking helps me get out of the house and out of my head (it also allows for social distancing). For many of us being isolated and even bored can lead to depressive symptoms. Exercise helps with serotonin and all sorts of happy hormones. Not to mention I have noticed my grazing patterns have increased (since the fridge is so close to my office now lol) so doing something physical helps level that off.
4- Take advantage of Family Time
This is the time to build family bonds, do projects with your children, get back on track with your partner and FaceTime your friends. They won’t judge you or resist because they too need some social interaction and they are trapped. I even had a friend do a double date with ZOOM, ingenious! I seriously think this will be a time where we make lemons out of lemonade and are grateful for our loved ones.
5-Pay if Forward
Is it weird that a man today at Walmart gave me one of his toilet paper hauls when he saw the shelf was bare and I almost hugged him? That little act of kindness and consideration completely improved my day and outlook on the whole situation. You can do lots of things babysit neighbors kids if they still have to go to work, donate if your able, mow an elderly persons lawn or grab their groceries for them.
6-Re-invent Yourself
For many of my clients they are taking advantage of this time to work on their own goals to re-evaluate their lives and improve on their habits. Think about how you can improve on relationships, communication, planning, life goals etc. Ask yourself, “What do I want my life to look like when we are thru this?” Do you want more friends, hobbies, go back to school, change your career or in general just want to be more grateful?
So I challenge you all to use some of these steps to make your life a little more positive in this difficult time. I know that can be hard, because some people have had tragedy touch them or are in a really bad headspace.
Keep in mind if you need a therapist or coach or to walk through this experience I am only a phone call away. I offer virtual sessions where you can still benefit from my years of experience and schooling to be a happier and healthier you!
Thanks for Reading!
“Be the change you wish to see!”
-Jacqueline Frey, MSW, CLC, RCSWI